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How do I check the battery strength of my device?

The H17txt has a feature which gives you an idea of how much battery time you have left. Follow the steps listed below if you would like to access this feature.

  1. Battery Check

  • Press and hold both Volume buttons while not on a call.
  • You will hear the status of the battery.


  • If the H17 states that the"battery level is high", that means that you have more than 3.5 hours left.
  • If the H17 states that the "battery level is medium" that means that you have between 1.5 to 3.5 hours left.
  • If the H17 states that the "battery level is low" that means that you have left than 1.5 hours left.
  • To save battery power, turn off the headset when you don't use it for an extended time.

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