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How do I adjust the audio alerts on my moto e4?

Your phone has independent settings for these volumes:
  • Call
  • Media (music, video, games)
  • Alarm
  • Ringtone for incoming calls and notifications
Adjusting one volume won't affect the others, so you can crank up the tunes without making incoming callers sound like they’re shouting.

Change the sound for all app notifications

  1. If you want to use a song as the ringtone, make sure you have copied it to the Notifications directory
  2. Go to Settings > Sound > Advanced > Default notification ringtone
  3. Select the sound to use, or select None

Silence “Hello Moto” during power up

If you don’t want your phone to say “Hello Moto” when it powers up:
  1. Go to Settings > Sound
  2. Turn Power up sound off.
You can't adjust the volume level for this sound.

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