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Using ringtones on the moto g5 plus

You can use default notification tones or explore other options to personalize your phone.

Choose Phone ringtones

  1. Go to Settings > Sound > Phone ringtone
    If the option is greyed out, make sure the handset volume is not set to Silent Mode

  2. Select a ringtone from the list. 
  3. Touch OK to select the ringtone.

Loading a custom ringtone

Connect the supplied USB cable into the device, then into a computer.

Go to Storage > Internal storage

Drag and drop audio files from the computer into the Internal Storage > Ringtones folder

Get more ringtones

Although your phone comes with lots of ringtones, you can get more:
  • Search for ‘ringtones’ in Play Store and install an app that provides ringtones.
  • Search for ‘ringtone maker’ in Play Store and install an app that lets you create custom ringtones. Open the app and use it to select entire songs or portions of songs.
  • If you have songs that are .mp3 files stored on your computer, connect your phone and computer with a USB cable, then copy the song to your phone.

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